Tuesday, 31 December 2013

2014 A Healthy Resolution

Resolution for 2014 should be a healthy one.  It’s always a good idea to invest in improving one’s health. Following are the four health promises for the year 2014.
Lower the sodium consumption
Recommended sodium usage is only 6 grams i.e. a teaspoon. Sodium raises blood pressure and contributes to water retention. While lower sodium diets are helpful in decreasing the risk of heart diseases, but also lower hypertension and weight management. A mediocre approach of sodium consumption should be adopted in 2014.
Say no to Smoking already!
Quitting is probably the hardest thing to do for smokers, the most difficult challenge. Promise to quit it in 2014. Take advantage of the resources accessible and become a nonsmoker.

Increase Antioxidants
Free radicals are produced when the body breaks down food into molecules. Cigarette smoking and radiation can also produce free radicals. These free radicals damage our immune system causing conditions like cancer, infection, inflammation, and heart diseases. This is the point where antioxidants come to the forefront. You can prevent your body from such diseases by consuming foods that are rich in antioxidants for instance; chocolate, pomegranates, and coffee.

Flossing! Making it a habit

Bacteria in the mouth can lead to acute health issues if you neglect it. It’s surprising to learn that dentists can spot indication of diabetes andheart diseases. Make it a point to floss off the bacteria from your teeth and have a healthy year ahead. 

Monday, 9 December 2013

How psychiatry murdered Austin 'Gus' Deeds:

The horrifying tragedy of the family of Virginia State senator, Creigh Deeds, who was also a former Democratic candidate for attorney general in the year 2005 and subsequently for governor in 2009. He was reported to be in serious condition at the time he was stabbed by his 24 year old son; Austin Gus Deeds, several times on his head and shot himself dead. It was the morning of November 19th, 2013; when the terrible attack took place 13 hours after Gus was released from an emergency detention centre. During the assessment, it was recommended that Austin Gus should get treatment in a psychiatric facility. But the (CSB) Rockbridge Area Community Services Board- a health authority that supervises the state’s psychological health systems – could not provide a place where Gus can get treatment.
Creigh Deeds survived the stabbing and told a local Virginia newspaper to bring reform in the local state mental health system in these words: “I am alive for a reason, and I will work for change, I owe that to my precious son, I have very strong opinions about the CSB, and feel like they are responsible.”
Creigh Deeds is recovering from the tragedy he had gone through but may never recuperate from the inestimable grief for his son.

A journal from the shelves of Bentham Science Publishers talks about the latest advances in clinical Psychiatry in the Journal; ‘Current Psychiatry Reviews’ that publishes  frontier review articles and guest edited issues dedicated to clinical research on all the latest advances on clinical psychiatry and its related areas e.g. pharmacology, epidemiology, clinical care and therapy. The journal is an essential reading for all clinicians, psychiatrists and researchers in psychiatry. 

Sunday, 8 December 2013

What Happens When You Sleep?

A recent study suggests that, the brain cells get smaller in size up to 60% while you are asleep. The purpose of this decrease is to clean the cellular waste more proficiently. When the brain undergoes this cleaning process, it consumes more energy.
According to this new study, when an individual sleeps, the glymphatic system becomes more active in comparison to the time when the brain is awake. When a person sleeps, the activities of brain increases and helps the fluid to clean the brain passage. Moreover, the proteins that are responsible for Alzheimer’s and other neurological disorders are kept aside of the system effectively when we sleep.

Bentham Science Publishers is one renowned STM publishers around the globe. It has online journals and eBooks in the fields of pharmaceutical, medical, social sciences, computer sciences, biomedical, and engineering, technology.“The Open Sleep Journal” is one of Bentham Science open access journals available. To read more articles and reviews on sleep, please visit the following link: http://www.benthamscience.com/open/toslpj/openaccess2.htm

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Tuberculosis- Treatment And Prevention

Tuberculosis- often known as TB is a contagious infection which is caused by a pathogen called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis mostly affects the lungs of human body, but it can also affect various other organs in the lymphatic system, circulatory system and central nervous system.
When the person gets infected with tuberculosis, the bacteria within the lungs grow faster and cause Pneumonia along with prolonged cough, chest pain and coughing with blood. According to the medical dictionary of MediLexicon, TB is "A specific disease caused by infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the tubercle bacillus, which can affect almost any tissue or organ of the body, the most common site of the disease being the lungs."
Medications are the keystone of Tuberculosis (TB) treatment. But the treatment for tuberculosis takes much longer time than any other bacterial virus. The patients of tuberculosis can take medications and antibiotics for at least a period of seven to nine months. The duration of treatment and drugs may vary depending on your overall health, drug resistance, age and the form of infection (active or latent TB).
The recent studies propose that a three months treatment schedule along with other medications can be effective instead of nine months treatment. With a shorter treatment course, people will possibly take all their prescribed medicines thus chances of getting side effects would automatically decrease. The most common drugs for TB include; Pyrazinamide, isoniazid and Ethambutol.

Bentham Science eBook, ‘Tuberculosis Treatment: The search for new drugs’ covers a wide range of topics that are related to TB drug discovery. The e-book begins with historical information about Tuberculosis discovery and treatment and explores modern treatment strategies, formulations (synthetic and natural) and class of compounds. The extraction of important drugs from various sources is also covered in separate chapters along with information about promising drugs undergoing clinical testing. For further Details, you can visit: http://www.benthamscience.com/ebooks/9781608057887/index.htm.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013


It was announced by the World Health Organization on May 31, 2011 that cell phones can be a probable cause of cancer. They have marked cell phones as a “carcinogenic hazard.” Through thorough research and peer-review analysis, the scientists from different countries came to the conclusion that the mobile phones can lead to some brain cancers (glioma and acoustic neuronal). These types of cancers can take a little bit of time to develop and the long term usage of this electronic device could result into several severe complications.

The microwave spectrum technology has been used by the cell phones for communication. When the device is held close, the invisible stream of radio frequency signals penetrate our bodies which can be a potential cause of cancer and several issues related to memory loss, dizziness and disorientation.
Several safety measures should be taken in this case to minimize the hazards of these radio frequency radiations. You should limit the duration of your calls on the cell phone, use blue tooth devices or hands free devices or speaker phone to increase the distance between the phone and your head. Try to stay still while using the cell phone because more radiation is emitted while you are in motion as the cell phone needs to keep track of you with respect to the changes in position. Switch off mobile phones when not in use as the cell phone is still emitting radiation when not in use. Try to keep the cell phone in your bag rather than taking it with you close to your body. Use cell phone covers or protectors which act as a shield in this case.

Bentham Science Publishers’ journal “Recent Advances in Communications and Networking Technology” publishes review and research articles, and guest edited thematic issues on new advances in communications and networking technology. This Bentham Journal is a useful guide for all researchers involved in telecommunication and networking science and technology. For more information, you can check http://www.benthamscience.com/rptelc/index.htm

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

ADHD: A Modern Day Dilemma:

Many parents of this age are concerned about their children. Their main concern is that the children do not pay complete attention, whether it is in class or in other matters. This negative capability also affects the studies of the students. The common misconception is that the children are doing it on purpose, but that is not the case. This lack of attention may be due to ADHD, a neurological disorder. ADHD stands for ‘Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder’. This disease may be characterized by the child having hyperactivity, poor instinct control, and absentmindedness.
Parents all around the world are looking for a cure for this disorder. As a remedy, an IT-based training program has been introduced. It claims to facilitate children with ADHD in the classroom and building peer-relationships, while reducing hyperactivity and absentmindedness.
Recently, a study was carried out by the psychologists, cross-checking the particular IT program (for ADHD). The research was done on children under these cognitive training programs and concluded that working memory represents one of the most important fundamental discrepancies in children with ADHD. They were validated on its claim to produce significant and long-term improvements in children’s academic performance and intellectual abilities.
The research was able to prove that the claims of the IT program were false. These training exercises only affect short-term memory. Short term memory only uses tasks for a short interval, whereas working memory uses already stored for multi-tasking, reading or doing mental math.
These programs do have some validity but their effects on not helpful for ADHD children, but if the programs are developed focusing on working memory; children’s cognitive abilities and academic performances can be greatly facilitated.

For further investigation on neurological disorders and diseases like ADHD you can visit Bentham Science Publishers online journals, Current Pediatric Reviews and various topics can be found on Bentham Science Publishers official website. The name of Bentham Science Publishers is highly reputable within the publication industry. BSP has numerous journals, eBooks and articles uploaded for that purpose. 

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Food Poisoning- A food borne disease

Food borne sickness is also referred as food poisoning. The intake of contaminated food results in food poisoning in humans.  The food that contains bacteria, viruses and other toxins makes people vulnerable to food poisoning.
These different toxins enter your body through different sources and make you ill. The major sources of contamination are the dirty hands of food dealers, unclean kitchenware and other service utensils. The food you eat should be prepared at high temperatures and should be preserved in refrigerators to avoid any contamination.

The world is now filled with numerous STM Publishers. The name, Bentham Science Publishers is highly established in the STM publishing industry. They offer various eBooks and journals that are based on food safety issues. To learn more, you can visit: http://www.benthamscience.com/pfna/index.htm
The symptoms appear within 2-5 hours after eating the toxic food. The major sign and symptom of food poisoning include vomiting, headaches, nausea, abdominal cramps and diarrhea.

In most cases, it does not need any medical attention but in some cases, if the safety precautions are not taken, the condition can become even worse. There are few safety measures that one can take to avoid making the condition worse such as, avoid taking caffeine, rest and sleep, take light meals and drink plenty of water to overcome the fluid losses. 

Tuesday, 26 November 2013


The nervous system controls all the major functions of the body including brain, nerves, and spinal cord. If these organs have a glitch, the human body will start to malfunction and show different symptoms. Unhealthy nervous system can paralyze you completely; it may even make it difficult to breathe. The various problems linked to memory, mood, and senses are also related to nervous system diseases.
More than 600 neurological diseases exist and if diagnosed early, are curable.

 Bentham Science Publishers is a prestigious publication industry consisting of a number of journals based on neuroscience. To visit these journals, please visit:
Huntington’s disease and muscular dystrophy are the most common neurological disorders. These diseases are usually genetic. Brain tumor, epilepsy, stroke etc., are other examples of neurological disorders. Damaged nerve cells are a cause of degenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.
Infections and neurological disorders is the sixth cause of consultation in health care services worldwide, but, still with the advancements in producing effective vaccines and antibiotics remain a concern around the globe.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Bentham Science eBooks: Ion Implantation and Activation, Volume 2

Bentham Science offers various e-books which cover all major areas of technology, natural science, humanities and medicine. Flexible publication solutions have been supplied to the authors by Bentham e-book. These electronic books are rapidly published using state-of-the-art internet technology.
Here is the review of one of the recent e-books of Bentham, “Ion Implantation and Activation-Volume 2”. This e-book presents the derivation process of related models in a comprehensive step by step manner starting from the fundamental processes and moving up into the more advanced theories.
Ion implantation can be expressed theoretically as a binary collision, and, experimentally using various mathematical functions. Readers can understand how to establish an ion implantation database by combining theory and experimental data. The models described in this eBook can be directly related to practical experimental data with various approaches: physical, empirical or experimental. Readers can also understand the approximations, and assumptions to reach these models. Chapters in the book explain, in depth, various topics such as Pearson functions, LSS theory, Monte Carlo simulations, Edgeworth Polynomials and much more.
This book provides advanced engineering and physics students and researchers with complete and coherent coverage of modern semiconductor process modeling. Readers can also benefit from this volume by acquiring the necessary information to improve contemporary process models by themselves.
To read more about this e-book, you can visit:

Thursday, 24 October 2013


There are various types of cancer. Depending upon the nature and stage of cancer, different medical treatments have been available, chemotherapy is one of them.
Radiation Therapy is one form of chemotherapy which is very common. It has been advised by doctors to the cancer affected patients after surgery. The main purpose of this therapy is to remove the remaining cancerous cells which have been missed out during surgery process.
In this type of therapy, a high stream of high energy waves of protons is used to kill or damage any cancer cells present inside the body. This therapy is very effective in controlling the cancer cells from further division. This therapy has also been used for the treatment of neck, head, lung and breast cancer.
The dosage of the medicines used within the chemotherapy process may vary with respect to the type and stage of cancer.

There are several adverse effects of chemotherapy upon the human body like hair loss, skin damage, loss of appetite, inflammation of the mucous membrane, low blood platelet count, low red blood cell count, low white blood cells and fatigue etc.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013


There are various types of pain but chronic pain is the one which should seek proper medical treatment. Spinal pain is one of them.
At times, spinal pain becomes very tough to be identified and can accompany an extensive variety of aching symptoms.
The neuropeptides and Cytokines perform a dynamic role in nervous system responses.  Cytokines are very small necessary proteins which usually consist of an integral part of our pathogenic and immunogenic recognition system. Cytokine are considered to be the most recent available path way for spinal study and back pain. Cytokine functions as a potential biomarker in the cure of spinal pain.
Cytokine profiles like IL-1β, IL-1α, IL-4, IL-6, TNF-α and IL-10- each will have relatively a substantial influence on the disease treatment and also on the healing process of spinal affected individuals.
“IL-1α and IL-1ß are pleiotropic cytokines that are often elevated in inflammatory responses such as nerve injury and inflammatory disorders such as gouty arthritis”- Taken from http://www.benthamscience.com/open/tospinej/articles/V005/TOSPINEJ130816004.pdf

Diseases like, HIV and Arthritis in which IL-4 and IL-6 that are basically anti-inflammatory Cytokines are studied. Whereas the (TNF- α) - Tumor necrosis factor alpha is a pro-inflammatory cytokine that plays an essential role in extreme phases of immune response. The highly effective anti-inflammatory cytokine is IL-10 which when injected into human body reacts and result into regular healing. 

Tuesday, 22 October 2013


Obesity- it is a medical condition in which extra body fat mounts up to an extent that it negatively impacts on health. Having a weight which is not considered healthy makes a person obese. Obesity is not just confined as just a cosmetic concern but it is a medical illness that leads to heart diseases, diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOs) in women, thyroid and numerous other chronic diseases.
Although a definite amount of body fat is essential for storing energy and other various functions. Obesity can be best identified through the body mass index (BMI). By using individual’s weight and height, the BMI is calculated. The formula to calculate the BMI (body mass index) equals to an individual weight in kilograms (kg) which is divided by height in meter (m) squared.
If an adult who has a BMI near and above 30 is considered to be obese. Moreover, an adult who has a BMI of 25-29.9 is considered heavy or overweight. When it comes to the prevention and treatment of obesity, obesity is considered to be as the most difficult conditions to treat and it has a high revert rate. Approximately around 95% of those individuals who lose weight regain it in no time. However, diet plans and medications can help an individual to control the body weight.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Gluten Sensitivity-Diagnosis, Symptoms & Treatment

Gluten is basically composed of specific proteins which are present in various food products such as barley, rye and wheat. Gluten sensitivity is also known as gluten intolerance. It is an array of disorders like wheat allergy and celiac disease in which gluten has an undesirable impact upon the human body.

The various symptoms of this disorder include abdominal pain, headache, vertigos, diarrhea, muscular disturbances and numerous joint pains. The gluten sensitivity can lead to neurological problems like Ataxia.

Celiac disease is an perpetual disorder and its after effects may vary from time to time during the person`s life span. If left untreated, it will increase the risk of developing gastrointestinal cancer.

There are various methods for the diagnosis of celiac disease. It can be diagnosed by performing blood tests as well as through small intestinal biopsy. The biopsy procedure is considered as one of the most accurate testing technique for celiac disease.

The standard treatment is an absolute avoidance of gluten for good. The affected patients should avoid all gluten containing foods and should keep a strict observation on diet in order to allow the intestine to heal.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013


People must have heard about bed sores once in their life, but what exactly are bed sores?

Bed sores- also referred to as pressure sores or pressure ulcers are chronic skin wounds that are instigated by many linking factors. Pressure sores are skin gashes that are caused as a result of prolonged pressure on the skin. There are numerous additional factors that cause bed sores on the skin; prolonged pressure on the skin, humidity, friction and cuts. Bed sores  most often develop on the skin that cover the bones such as elbow, ankle, hips and heels.

The prevention of the bedsores is the most important thing because it can be fatal at times. The skin barrier is a simple product which is used by many patients for the protection of skin.

People who are suffering from the diseases that make them immobile tend to get bed sores very easily which makes them more ill. The skin barriers help the patients in numerous ways in which the most important aspect is the prevention from getting bed sores.

The skin barriers come in many different forms such as, spray, cream and cloth. Through the use of these barriers, one can prevent him/herself from bed sores or pressure sores. 

Thursday, 10 October 2013

The Prevention and Cure of Breast Cancer

Among many different cancers, a cancer which is very common in females is breast cancer. A variety of associated risk factors of this cancer include exposure to chemicals through cosmetics, drinking alcohol and light exposure at night.
The study illustrates that a cause of the destruction of DNA cells is attributed to drinking alcoholic beverages which eventually enhances the risk of women getting infected from breast cancer. The exposure to light at night time can also lead to breast cancer, whereas another risk aspect is associated with the chemicals (Phthalates and Parabens) that are found in numerous beauty care products.
The scholars believe that this risk is associated with the regulation of the melatonin levels present in the body. Melatonin is a hormone which helps in controlling the body`s sleep cycle. The production of this hormone is at peak at night time and is lowered during daytime. As a result of which women working during night time are more prone to have their melatonin level reduced due to external light and they are at greater risk of developing breast cancer.

There are a number of precautionary measures that can help in the prevention of breast cancer such as avoiding becoming over-weight, avoiding hormone replacement therapies, performing routine activities on a regular basis and eating diets rich in fruits and vegetables.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Thyroid Cancer-Causes and Symptoms

There are various types of cancer. One of them is the thyroid cancer. The exact cause of thyroid cancer is unknown but those people who have a family history of goiter, exposure to high levels of radiation and specific hereditary syndromes are at higher risk of developing thyroid cancer.
The growth of abnormal cells within thyroid glands can result into Thyroid Cancer. This type of cancer is more common in women than men. Thyroid cancer is treatable if diagnosed early even though it can come back later with the passage of time.
The thyroid hormones produced by the thyroid gland play a vital role in regulating the metabolism of the body.
There are four major types of thyroid cancer like follicular,papillary, anaplastic and medullary.
The most common symptoms of this type of cancer include a lump within the neck, problems with swallowing, swollen lymph nodes, throat pain and changes in vocal cord.

There are various procedures available for the treatment of thyroid cancer. The most common procedure is the surgery. Other procedures include radiation therapy, chemotherapy and radioactive iodine treatment.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Genetic Diseases and Their Treatment

Genetic diseases are caused as a result of specific abnormalities and alterations within the genes. Genes are basically the building blocks of heredity. They are transferred from parents to their off-springs.
There are various types of genetic diseases. Some of the common genetic diseases are cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, Marfan syndrome, Huntington's disease and hemochromatosis. These diseases are also known as hereditary diseases or family diseases.
Genetic diseases can be identified by the genetic analysis of blood and different types of tissues. Some of these diseases can be detected at the time of birth while some of them can take a couple of years to appear and get diagnosed.

The aftereffects of these genetic disorders can lead to severe health issues and might also be life threatening. Many treatment strategies have been considered for the recovery of genetic disorders. Some of these disorders can be treated with the help of genetic therapy. Another method of treatment is the experimental technique. This involves the changing of a human`s genes.

Monday, 7 October 2013

The Importance of Peer-reviewing Process in STM Publishing

Peer review is a process essential for scholarly research publications. Research work is evaluated by a group of people of equivalent competence to the producer of the work. In this particular approach, the quality of published hypothetical literature is retained within the scientific forum.
The degree of excellence of a medical and scientific research publication is significantly a much bigger concern and demands an accurate peer-review process. Generally, there are several renowned publishers in the scientific publication industry, for instance Wiley, Elsevier, Taylor Francis and Bentham Science Publishers.
Bentham Science Publishers employ the single-blind peer-review technique that would not only ensure an unbiased analysis of the scientific merit of the research work, but it would also guarantee optimum quality measures and outstanding contribution to the research. They have qulaified, expert editorial staff and reviewers who adhere to stringent peer-reviewing. Generally, a write-up is examined for the quality of a research, plagiarism prevention, approval of experimental investigation, re-publication and ethical review. This procedure is specialized and rapid, as shared by an author of Bentham Science journal, Recent Patents on Inflammation & Allergy Drug Discovery:
“I would like to thank Bentham Science for considering my paper for publication. With regards to my publication related matters, I found it quite easy in dealing with the editorial office and also the publication process. The quality of service provided by the editorial office was excellent. The article review process was fast and the final decision was taken without delays. I really appreciate the excellent quality of the service provided with regards to my publication. I would definitely consider Bentham Science Publishers for my future publications as well.”
Dr. Suresh Pallikkuth
Microbiology and Immunology
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

Miami, USA

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Mellitus, or commonly known as Diabetes, is a chronic medical condition in which the patient suffers from a higher than normal sugar level in the blood stream. This could be because either the person’s pancreas is not able to generate sufficient insulin or because the cells are not responding to the insulin that is generated.

Some of the key symptoms of diabetes comprise increased blood glucose levels, weight loss, blurred vision, dehydration, nausea, fatigue and loss of glucose in urine.

In a normal person, the blood glucose levels are strongly controlled by insulin. Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas. When the blood glucose level rises, insulin is released from the pancreas in order to balance the glucose level. The absence or inadequate production of insulin causes hyperglycaemia inside diabetic patients.

Diabetes can be identified by taking fasting blood glucose (sugar) test. The test is convenient and easy to perform. After the overnight fasting of the patient, a single blood sample is taken and sent to the laboratory for diagnosis. Alternatively, it can also be accurately measured inside a doctor’s clinic with the help of a glucose meter.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Genome Science

Genomics is the study of genetics that includes fine-scale genetic mapping and the DNA sequencing of living beings. This field also comprises of the learning of numerous intragenomic phenomena like epistasis, pleiotropy, heterosis and other contacts in between alleles and loci inside the genome.

Genome science has several useful applications in the disciplines of medicine, biotechnology, molecular biology and even social sciences.
Published research in the field of genomics serves both academic and industrial purposes. Such clinical research work and genomic discoveries help researchers and scientists learn more about the causes and treatment of genomic disorders. Inside the industry, the name of the journal, Current Genomics is highly established. It has 14 published volumes to its credit and publishes authoritative articles and reviews concerning the latest developments in genome science. It includes interesting content on human genomics, development biology, molecular evolution, aging and longevity etc. For more information on Current Genomics, you can visit:

Next generation technologies play a vital role in allowing biomedical researchers and clinicians to significantly enhance the quantity of genomic data gathered on huge learning populations. Within disease research, genomics help researchers in improved understanding of the genetic sources of diseases as well as drug reaction. 

Monday, 30 September 2013

Wonderful Scientific Inventions and Discoveries:

There are various scientific inventions and discoveries. Scientists have discovered a better way to fight with dengue fever and malaria. They have done it by genetically modifying mosquitoes. These mosquitoes are naturally opposed to malaria and long-living. They help inside the elimination of malaria.

In the field of Synthetic Biology, with the invention of the Escherichia Coli Cell diseases can be cured in a new way. This cell upon interaction with certain pathogens entirely kills itself and the pathogens.

Scientists have found a new way to look for bombs with the help of plants. Dr. Jane Medford is doing an investigation on plants which will turn white while coming in contact with explosives and environmental pollutants.

The scientists have also found a new way of regeneration of the lost parts of the body. They have been using ECM (Extracellular Matrix) along with of physical therapy. ECM has the potential to revive the body’s natural therapeutic ability.

Synthetic Telepathy is another amazing discovery. A scientific device has been created by the military which can read electrical movements inside a human brain. It helps in sensing of all thoughts and forwards them to other soldiers in the form of voice mail and text messages.

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Recent Advancements in Drug Design

Drug Design is a resourceful procedure of discovering innovative prescriptions based on the association of the biological objective.

The combination of thermodynamic data, structural information and cheminformatics tools play a vital role in the process of drug designing.

High throughput Screening (HTS) is another progress in the dug designing field. A huge number of compounds for the biological activities with the discovered targets can be produced by combinatorial chemistry.

All the scholarly information with respect to this field is normally shared with the research community by means of research paper.

CCHTS is a highly recommended journal in the respective field. A lot of research papers and review articles have been published by CCHTS, earning the journl an impact factor of 2.0 as per journal citation report 2012. CCHTS has 16 volumes to its credit, and is highly recommended. 

Global Warming: A Threat to Earth As We Know It!

Global warming is a serious issue that is affecting all forms of life on earth. Unfortunately, and due to our own doing, the average global temperature is on the rise, leading to a phenomenon widely known as the global warming.
Though this global concern is not new, it is only beginning to reveal its most disastrous outcomes in the forms of catastrophes like floods, intense storms, melting of polar ice caps and glaciers, and tropical storms etc.
Since the 1950s, the climb in average temperature of the earth’s environment is affecting the natural balance. Global warming is harmfully affecting life on earth, and things will continue to worsen if we do not control the factors leading to global warming.
The extensive burning of fossil fuel began with the industrial revolution, which is in fact is a major source of greenhouse gas releases, especially carbon dioxide. Industrial development, coal mining, gas field leakages and car emissions all contribute to the occurrence of global warming. 
 Agriculture is another major cause of global warming. About 14% of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are released by agriculture and farming. Livestock farming, on the other hand, emits huge amounts of methane, a major contributor to world’s greenhouse gases. Conditions are made worse by deforestation and using the cleared land for farming, thus contributing to a vicious cycle.

Global warming is a serious issue which needs immediate attention of the scientific community, governments, corporate sector and consumers of industrial and agricultural products. It is time we united as a global community to counter this grave concern. 

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Bentham Science: eBooks

Bentham comes complete with an extensive range of eBooks in all spheres of science, technology, 
medicine and business studies. Today, e-publishing is a popular alternative to costly traditional publishing. It has made reading more affordable and enjoyable for readers, who now have a much wider choice of selections and the comfort of sitting at home and downloading eBooks.

Authors of eBooks likewise enjoy lower processing costs and a much wider readership by making their research work available online in digital formats. 

Bentham eBooks can be enjoyed in both online and printed versions. You will find a variety of monographs, textbooks, electronic lectures, proceedings etc on their website. As an author, you will be entitled to have free access to your published content and there is no fee on the processing of your eBook. Librarians and institutions can avail package discounts and IP-based access to Bentham eBooks.
Bentham Science Publishers adheres to a clear set of rigorous editorial policies in publishing eBooks; for instance plagiarism prevention, copyright, author guidelines, informed consent etc. For more details, kindly click:

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Open Access and the Allegations of Predatory Publishing

The open access model of publishing is the latest and quite useful addition to the publishing industry.
Despite resistance from certain quarters, it continues to develop and receive acceptance from 
the academia and the industry. In view of this, the reaction of the traditional publisher to this model of publishing is apprehensive and they consider it to be a threat to their existence.
Unrestricted and free utilization of research publications, especially to the third world, will in 
general serve the very objective of scientific research and scientific publication. If the quality of publications can in fact be maintained, the Open Access will truly live up to its promise.

Bentham Science Publishers is an established name in the industry. Their publications include numerous respectable titles, such as Current Medicinal Chemistry, Current Pharmaceutical Design, Current Gene Therapy, Current Drug Metabolism and many more. Bentham Scienec Publishers have two main categories of publishing: subscription based journals that include many high impact titles; and Open Access which publishes popular titles such as The Open Dentistry Journal and The Open Cardiovascular Medicine Journal. Nearly all their journals, both subscriptions based and Open Access, are indexed in internationally recognized indexing agencies like Scopus, Medline, EMBASE and PubMed etc.
The authors who have contributed in Bentham journals are quite satisfied with their publication process and peer review procedure. You can check the author testimonials at:
Unfortunately, Bentham Open has also been the target of Bentham controversy for some time. These allegations in fact are not grounded in reality. Bentham Open is actually charging quite an affordable fee for open access as compared to other known publishers and, in case of authors from the developing world; the publisher makes it totally free for the contributor. For more information, you can check:

Open Access Publishing has also generated some controversies but this is to be expected in a new publication model. There are always some teething problems in the initial stage of anything and fine tuning is always required. Compared to over five hundred years of traditional publishing models, Open Access is still a new born baby and has to be nurtured in good faith. There is a concerted effort going on out there by unknown quarters to try and discredit this form of publishing but if that happens, it would be to the detriment of the scientists and researchers. Blind acceptance of whatever is published against Open Access must be resisted with an open mind