The open access model of publishing is the latest and quite useful addition to the
publishing industry.
Despite resistance from certain quarters, it continues to develop and receive acceptance from
the academia and the industry. In view of this, the reaction of the
traditional publisher to this model of publishing is apprehensive and they
consider it to be a threat to their existence.
Unrestricted and free utilization of research publications, especially to the third world, will in
general serve the very objective of scientific research and scientific publication. If the quality of
publications can in fact be maintained, the Open Access will truly live up to
its promise.
Science Publishers is an established name in the industry. Their publications
include numerous respectable titles, such as Current Medicinal Chemistry,
Current Pharmaceutical Design, Current Gene Therapy, Current Drug Metabolism
and many more. Bentham Scienec Publishers have two main categories of
publishing: subscription based journals that include many high impact titles;
and Open Access which publishes popular titles such as The Open Dentistry
Journal and The Open Cardiovascular Medicine Journal. Nearly all their journals,
both subscriptions based and Open Access, are indexed in internationally
recognized indexing agencies like Scopus, Medline, EMBASE and PubMed etc.
authors who have contributed in Bentham journals are quite satisfied with their
publication process and peer review procedure. You can check the author
testimonials at:
Unfortunately, Bentham Open has also been the
target of Bentham controversy for some time. These allegations in fact are not
grounded in reality. Bentham
Open is actually charging quite an affordable fee for open access as compared
to other known publishers and, in case of authors from the developing world;
the publisher makes it totally free for the contributor. For more
information, you can check:
Access Publishing has also generated some controversies but this is to be
expected in a new publication model. There are always some teething problems in
the initial stage of anything and fine tuning is always required. Compared to
over five hundred years of traditional publishing models, Open Access is still
a new born baby and has to be nurtured in good faith. There is a concerted
effort going on out there by unknown quarters to try and discredit this form of
publishing but if that happens, it would be to the detriment of the scientists
and researchers. Blind acceptance of whatever is published against Open Access
must be resisted with an open mind.
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