Thursday, 23 January 2014

Slug`s Slime – A Super Glue to the Rescue

The researchers have found an innovative way to mend a broken heart. They have done this with the help of slug-inspired glue. The slugs secrete extremely sticky adhesives that work even on rain-wet rocks and mud-slicked trails.
Most of the heart defects are fixed via surgeries that involve staples or stitches. But, in some cases, these stitching procedures can cause damage to the heart`s fragile tissue.

When it comes to mending a broken heart, researchers say they may have found the key and it comes in the form of slug-inspired glue. This glue is non-toxic and can easily stick to a wet beating heart and plays an important role in healing skin wounds for the surgeons.
A team from the Boston Children Hospital have found through laboratory research that the slug`s slime is water and blood proof and dries in seconds when brought in contact with the UV light, even, it is biodegradable.
The researchers applied the glue, which they call “hydrophobic light-activated adhesive” or HLAA, to small biodegradable patches, which they affixed to the holes. They then shone a UV light to activate the adhesive. In less than five seconds, the holes were sealed, and the stretchy sealant held for a 24-hour monitoring period.
Bentham Science Publishers is a remarkable name in the STM Publishing Industry. They have 130 plus online and print journals, 200 plus open access journals and more than 300 e-books to their name. They have various journals based on cardiology. For further details about these journals, please visit:

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Bentham eBook: Toxic Effects of Nanomaterials:

Bentham Science Publishers offer various e-books in all areas of technology, natural science, humanities and medicine. EBooks at Bentham science are published by means of state-of-the-art internet technology.
Here is the recent review of one of the Bentham eBooks: “Toxic Effects of Nanomaterials”
Toxic Effects of Nanomaterials provides an authoritative work of international experts in the field of nanotoxicology spanning 8 chapters. A key feature of the e-book is a broad coverage of the phytotoxicity of nanoparticles, which is largely neglected in many texts. The first couple of chapters of this book deal with the toxicity of nanoparticles in plants. This is followed by a discussion on the toxicities of iron oxide, titanium oxide and silicon oxide nanoparticles. Next, the volume provides a comprehensive review of the methodologies used in nanotoxicology surveys. The concluding chapters highlight the risks associated with the use of nanoparticles and the environmental impact of nanomaterials. Such a broad coverage of nanotoxicology renders this book highly beneficial to the scientists from multidisciplinary areas including nanotechnologists, toxicologists, pharmacologists, environmental chemists and biomedical scientists. This book would equally be useful for the individuals advocating for sustainable use of nanotechnology.
For further reading, please visit:

Advances in Genome Science: Probing intracellular regulation (Volume 2)- An eBook from the Digital Library of Bentham Science :

Bentham Science Publishers is a fast growing international STM publishing company with over 300 eBooks, 116 online and print journals and 230 free to view Open Access online journals.  Their eBooks provide corporate researchers, professionals, academicians, under- graduates and graduates globally with the most current information in their subject areas of interest.

Here is a short review of one of the latest eBooks of Bentham, Advances in Genome Science: Probing intracellular regulation. Genome science or genomics is essential to advancing knowledge in the fields of biology and medicine. Specifically, researchers learn about the molecular biology behind the genetic expression in living organisms and related methods of treating human genetic diseases (including gene therapy). Advances in Genome Science, is an e-book series which provides a multi-disciplinary view of some of the latest developments in genome research, allowing readers to capture the essentiality and diversity of genomics.

The second volume of this eBook series contains a selection of articles on intracellular gene regulation and expression in human disease such as arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome, Tumors and Malaria among other diseases. The volume also features some chapters on plant genetics. For further reading, visit:

Monday, 20 January 2014

Tea and Health

The relationship between tea and health goes back into centuries. Scientists throughout the ages have commented on the beneficial effects of ‘tea’ on human health. The secret of healthy and long lives of the Chinese can be linked to green tea. Recent studies have claimed that green tea plays an important role in averting many types of cancer. The green tea comprises of polyphenol content which is an anti-oxidant. It relieves the body of many unhealthy toxins which can harm the human body. It amplifies the stamina of the body and reduces the armful fats. The doctor`s consultation should be taken before utilizing high intake of tea for disease prevention as excessive intake of tea can result into nutritional and other miscellaneous issues because of the strong binding activities of caffeine and polyphenols.

On the other hand, tea contains Oxalate. If it is consumed in high percentage, it increases the chances of kidney stone formation. A study of the year 2012 proposed that men who have more than seven cups of black tea have more chances of getting prostate cancer. The research was carried out on 6,016 men. Three hundred and eighteen people were diagnosed with cancer in the follow-up of the study. the 50% increased relative risk was based on the observation that 6.4% of those in the highest tea consumption group developed prostate cancer during the study period compared with 4.6% in the lowest consumption group (0-3 cups a day).

Bentham Science Publishers is a remarkable name in the STM Publishing Industry. It has 130 plus Online and Print Journals, 200 plus Open Access Journals and around 300 e-books. Some of their leading publications include Current Gene Therapy, Current Drug Metabolism, Current Molecular Medicine and Current Medicinal Chemistry. They have also journals based on “Current Alzheimer Research” and “Clinical Cancer Drugs.” These journals are an essential reading for all the clinicians and researchers working in these fields.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Hypertension: A Deadly Disease

Hypertension and Diabetes are two of the most occurring diseases in the world’s population. Hypertension is also called as ‘high blood pressure’. It is referred to a condition in which the arteries face the pressure of the blood flow. Arteries are the main vehicle which carries the blood from the heart to the whole body.
Every time the heart beats, the arteries pump numerous liters of blood to all the organs of the human body. The higher the pressure on the arteries, the more effort the heart has to put it to pump the blood.
Hypertension is a disease which can further lead to damaged organs and various illnesses that include heart failure or stroke. The normal consistent blood pressure level should be 120/80, where 120 signifies systolic pressure (the highest pressure in arteries) whereas 80 symbolizes diastolic (the minimum pressure in the arteries). However, if the blood pressure exceeds from 80/120 to 139/89, then it is called pre-hypertension. If it reaches to 140/90 or more than that, it is considered as high blood pressure.
Health specialists have penned down many factors which can activate or boost hyper tension, which are; obesity, smoking, diabetes, lack of any physical activity, deficiency of vitamin D, stress, aging and also it comes through genes.

Bentham Science Publishers is a reputable name in the publishing industry, it has more than 160 journals and a variety of eBooks. Current Hypertension Reviews publishes frontier reviews, original research articles and guest edited thematic issues on all the latest advances on hypertension and its related areas e.g. nephrology, clinical care, and therapy. The journal’s aim is to publish the highest quality review articles dedicated to clinical research n the field. The journal is essential for all the clinicians and researchers in the field of hypertension.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Bentham eBooks: Immunology of Pregnancy:

Bentham Science aims to publish eBooks in all major areas of technology, social sciences, medicine and humanities. Their eBooks provide professionals, corporate researchers, academicians, graduates and under-graduates globally with the most contemporary information in their subject areas of interest.
Here is a short review of one of the latest eBooks of Bentham, “Immunology of Pregnancy”. Since September, 1992, Nature article which read: “Can there be life without LIF?” researchers now realize that the maternal immune system is both a foe (it can reject the conception) and a friend (immune cells and molecules are also necessary for successful pregnancy). Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF) when absent, prevents embryo implantation in rodents. From fecundation to parturition, immunity acts as a Janus, required but potentially dangerous. However, the complexity and the diversity of immunity in pregnancy deter many from entering the field. This book will try to give a complete overview of immunity from gametes till parturition, in brief, but with complete chapters and subsections, each written by specialists in the field. 

The importance of the topic relies not only on “the riddle of the fetal allograft”, which is per se fascinating, but on its consequences, linked to the development of IVF and in general, Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) / Medicine. Since the discovery that there would not be (mammalian) life without LIF, it has become clear that Immune Molecules, and in general, transient post mating inflammatory reactions are required for successful implantation. Disruptions of this process can lead to implantation failure / sterility.
To read the full review, you can visit-

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

A Neurological disorder: Dyslexia

Dyslexia is a neurological disorder which makes it difficult for the children to read and learn. This is the most common learning disorder found in children that hampers the ability of a child to read, learn, spell, write and even speak, in rare cases. The disease attacks kids and persists throughout their life. For better results, dyslexia must be treated as soon as it is diagnosed. This disorder should be treated according to its severity.
Dyslexia is usually caused by disfigurement in the brain’s capability to interpret the images we see and ears into a comprehensible language. It is not because of the hearing and vision problems, but it is due to the brain damage, psychological retardation or lack of intellect.
Dyslexia usually goes undiagnosed in the early years of schooling because the symptoms are vague in the early stages. The common symptoms include; the reversal of number and letter, difficulty in copying work from the board, difficulty in playing organized games and sports, difficulty of distinguishing left and right. Whereas, the aural problems linked to dyslexia includes, difficulty of remembering what he is hearing, recalling problems, words get funny because they miss parts of words and kipping whole sentences.
Bentham Science Publishers, a reputed name in the industry of publishing has more than 160 journals that serve the scientists all around the world in various fields of science, biotechnology, social sciences and humanities. CNS and Neurological Disorders- Drug Targets;  a journal of Bentham science which is all about neurological disorders. For further details, you can visit:

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Lethal Gas: Carbon Monooxide

Winter season is here, the chilliest the world has seen in a long time. Temperature has been forecasted to go down further in the coming few days. The use of heater is very common during this season, not many of us pay heed to the gas it leaks proving it to be a ‘silent killer’.

Carbon Monoxide (CO) is present in our surroundings because of the usage of heaters. CO is odorless as well as colorless, and one might not even be aware of its presence and the dangers it poses. Common symptoms of excess intake of CO are headache and nausea, which the general public confuses it with flu or a viral illness.

Constant exposure may lead to other symptoms such as vomiting, mental confusion, chest pain and serious medical problems at a later stage. Poisoning from CO is especially common during cold weather because of increased use of gas, oil and coal burning appliances.
Non-automobile consumer products may also emit CO. In addition to fuel-burning appliances such as furnaces, ranges, water heaters and room heaters, generators, fireplaces and charcoal that is burned in homes and areas nearby.

Bentham Science Publishers is one of the leading STM publishing companies of the industry. It publishes more than 116 online and print journals and more than 300 eBooks. One of the eBooks is “Environmental Issues for the Twenty-First Century and their Impact on Human Health”. This e-book discusses the ecological and health impacts of aquaculture, the Alberta tar sands development, the Gulf Oil disaster of 2010, the hazards of inadequately safeguarding water supplies, and global warming, to name some of the important topics. This e-book will be very useful to students of environmental science, ecology, ecotoxicology and others interested in a broad overview of contemporary environmental issues. It is presented in a highly readable manner that makes it accessible to well-informed members of the public. Complex biochemical and chemical equations are avoided. Nonetheless, current primary sources of scientific information are used and referenced, making it easy for a reader to pursue a topic in greater depth if so desired.

The Silent Killer

This winter is seen to be the chilliest winter the world has seen in a long time. Temperatures in the next few days are also predicted to drop more. The people using heaters need to be very careful in this winter because the heaters give off a gas which is also called as the ‘silent killer’.

Carbon Monoxide (CO) is present inside homes and offices because of the use of heaters. CO is a colorless and odorless gas. One might not even be aware of its presence and the dangers it poses. Recurrent symptoms of excess intake of CO are headache and nausea, which the general public misunderstands for flu or a viral illness. 

Sustained exposure can lead to other symptoms such as vomiting, confusion, chest pain, and serious medical problems. Poisonings from carbon monoxide are especially common during cold weather spells, as families increase the use of gas, oil and coal burning appliances. It can also be emitted from non-automobile consumer products, including malfunctioning fuel-burning appliances such as furnaces, ranges, water heaters and room heaters; engine-powered equipment such as portable generators; fireplaces; and charcoal that is burned in homes and other enclosed areas.

Bentham Science Publishers is one of the leading STM publishing companies of the industry. It publishes more than 116 online and print journals and more than 300 eBooks. One of the eBooks is “Environmental Issues for the Twenty-First Century and their Impact on Human Health”. This e-book discusses the ecological and health impacts of aquaculture, the Alberta tar sands development, the Gulf Oil disaster of 2010, the hazards of inadequately safeguarding water supplies, and global warming, to name some of the important topics. This e-book will be very useful to students of environmental science, ecology, ecotoxicology and others interested in a broad overview of contemporary environmental issues. It is presented in a highly readable manner that makes it accessible to well-informed members of the public. Complex biochemical and chemical equations are avoided. Nonetheless, current primary sources of scientific information are used and referenced, making it easy for a reader to pursue a topic in greater depth if so desired.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease:

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is one of the major reasons of disability in the United States and the third largest cause of death as well. There are a lot of people who are suffering from this breathing problem. Even though, there are a massive percentage of individuals who may have the disease and are not aware of it. This disease has been diagnosed normally in older or middle aged adults but the disease is not contagious.

There are two types mainly emphysema and chronic bronchitis. The chronic obstructive pulmonary disease causes acute damage to the lungs via chemical fumes, air pollution, dust. Smoking is the major reason of this breathing problem.
The major symptoms of this disease include coughing with mucus, shortness of breath while doing physical activity, chest tightness and wheezing.

Bentham Science aims to publish eBooks in all major areas of technology, social sciences, medicine and humanities. Their eBooks provide professionals, corporate researchers, academicians, graduates and under-graduates globally with the most contemporary information in their subject areas of interest. A few new eBooks are going to appear under the Bentham Science name, 'Lung Macrophages in Health and Disease' by Sandra Hodge.

Monday, 6 January 2014

Engineering Publications

Engineering is one of the oldest and most prestigious disciplines of study and research. It is an established branch of science and scholarly publications in the field help to disseminate the latest developments and breakthroughs to facilitate engineering applications and practical knowledge.

Bentham Science Publishers’ engineering journals include Current Biotechnology Engineering, Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering, Recent Patents on Engineering, and Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering. These journals are indexed in PubsHub, Scopus, Engineering Village & Engineering Index, PubsHub and J-Gate. Articles and issues published in the engineering journals by Bentham Science are extensively peer-reviewed and appraised to ensure consistent quality publishing. They cover topics such as biochemical engineering applications useful in the food, feed, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and water treatment industries;  tissue and cellular engineering;  biological signal processing and instrumentation; electrical systems, power transmission, electromagnetism, motor control process and technologies involved and related to electrical and electronic engineering etc.

More engineering journals by Bentham Science Publishers include Current Environmental Engineering, International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control  and Recent Patents on Corrosion Science. You can also look up their journals on their website and follow them on their Facebook page: for the latest updates and news.

Friday, 3 January 2014


Tonsils are vulnerable to inflammation as well as infection. The tonsillitis condition makes the tonsils inflamed and swollen. It is caused by a bacterial infection or a common virus.

The treatment procedures for tonsillitis vary from condition to condition. An immediate visit should be given to the general physician for the check-up. It can be treated with the help of different antibiotic courses. Surgery can be another option depending upon vital circumstances.

If there is a recurrent problem of tonsillitis and all the other possible options failed to cure the suffering patients from this condition, the surgery method should be recommended by the doctors.
This condition is most common within children. The most common symptoms include red tonsils, high fever, sore throat, acute headache, stiffed nose and throaty voice.

Bentham Science Publishers is a remarkable name in the STM publishing industry. It has an extensive resource accessible on topics ranging from science, medicine, technology to engineering. One of its journals is “Infectious Disorders - Drug Targets” including topics on Acute Tonsillitis.

For more information, please visit: